New product possible game changer

Boliden now states that a project with the Swedish concrete company Thomas Concrete Group confirms product as well as production performance. "At Boliden, we want to drive industry transformation and our new product is a …

Boliden and Champion Zero-Emission Mining

Boliden and Champion Zero-Emission Mining. Sustainability in the mining industry isn't just a trend—it's an imperative. As the world pushes towards a greener, more environmentally responsible future, industry leaders like Boliden and are taking significant strides to meet these demands.. The recent collaboration between these two titans …

Group Management

CFO Fagerhult, Director Group Controlling Boliden, and a variety of positions within Sapa, Ericsson and Electrolux. Number of shares: 4870 (December 31, 2023) Åsa Jackson. Executive Vice President People & Sustainability. Close …

Boliden as a sustainable investment

Regardless, Boliden has set the target of reducing absolute carbon dioxide emissions by 42 percent by 2030, with 2021 as the base year. We extract metals from both ore concentrates and secondary materials and take responsibility …

El-Trolley Aitik

Boliden Group Klarabergsviadukten 90 P.O. Box 44, SE-101 20 Stockholm Tel: + 46 8 610 15 00 Fax: + 46 8 654 80 90. Departments. Metal Sales and By-products Concentrate Sales Procurement of Primary and Secondary Raw materials Procurement of …


Tervetuloa! Bolidenin internetsivujen viralliset kielet ovat ruotsi ja englanti. Suomeksi löydät Bolidenin Suomen yksiköitä koskevat tiedot kohdasta Toimipaikat sekä kaikki sivut Ura Bolidenissä -otsikon alla.


Boliden Group Klarabergsviadukten 90 Box 44, 101 20 Stockholm Tel: 08 - 610 15 00 Fax: 08- 654 80 90. Avdelningar. Försäljning av metall och övriga produkter Försäljning av gruvkoncentrat Inköp av primärt och sekundärt råmaterial Inköp av logistik, produkter och tjänster .

Capital markets days and other events

Boliden hosted its Capital Markets Day in Stockholm on March 16, 2016, followed by a visit to the zinc smelter Odda in Norway on March 17, 2016. The aim was to provide investors, analysts and financial media with an update on our strategy, with an in-depth review of Business Area Mines and Business Area Smelters. ...

Boliden Area Operations (BAO), Sweden

ORE PROCESSING. The concentrator was commissioned in 1953 and rebuilt in 1989–91, increasing capacity to 1.5Mt/y and improving performance. The redesign introduced …

Boliden Bergsöe

Boliden Group Klarabergsviadukten 90 P.O. Box 44, SE-101 20 Stockholm Tel: + 46 8 610 15 00 Fax: + 46 8 654 80 90. Departments. Metal Sales and By-products Concentrate Sales Procurement of Primary and Secondary Raw materials Procurement of …

Graduate Trainee Program

Boliden's graduate trainee program is the kick start on a journey of discovery that will develop both you as a person and your professional career. Now the second round of the graduate trainee program has started with eight new trainees in 2023/2024. But already in December 2023, recruitment will begin for the next round in 2024/2025.

Major Mines & Projects | Boliden Area Operation

During the 2023 year, Boliden AB conducted trials with electric loaders and trucks in the Boliden Area's Rävliden(Kristineberg) deposit – a major milestone on the road to making it the world's …

Boliden – Metals for modern life

For a century, Boliden has been exploring, extracting and processing base metals and precious metals. Our production is based on experience, innovation and modern technology, developed in collaboration with Nordic technology and engineering companies. Today, we are an industry leader in terms of sustainable metal production from deposits to ...

Boliden's history

Boliden hankki vuonna 1902 Kööpenhaminassa perustetun Paul Bergsö & Son A/S:n. Tuohon aikaan yritys kierrätti tinaa. Nykyään Boliden Bergsöe AB toimii Landskronassa kierrättäen auton akkujen sisältämää lyijyä. 1975. Boliden otti kaldouunin käyttöön 1970-luvun puolivälissä.

Dividend | Boliden

The dividend shall correspond to one third of net profit for the year.

Current certificates

Please find the Boliden certificates at the links below: Business Area Smelters. Boliden Smelters Norway, Finland, Sweden and Boliden Commercial ISO 9001:2015 + ISO 14001:2015 + ISO 45001:2018 + ISO 50001:2018 London Bullion Market Association - Responsible Gold Certificate

Financial reports

Presentation of Boliden's Q4 and year-end 2024 report Boliden will announce its interim report for the fourth quarter and year-end 2024 on February 6, 2025 at 07:45 (CET). A press and analyst conference will be held …

Metallinjalostaja vihreän siirtymän kärkiryhmässä

Suomessa yhtiö jalostaa sinkkiä Boliden Kokkolassa, kuparia ja nikkeliä Boliden Harjavallassa sekä louhii malmeja Boliden Kevitsan monimetallikaivoksella. Bolidenin tavoitteena on leikata hiilidioksidipäästöistä 40 prosenttia vuoteen …

Boliden Kevitsa

Boliden Kevitsa on Pohjois-Suomessa Sodankylän kunnassa toimiva monimetallikaivos ja merkittävä työllistäjä alueella. Päätuotteemme ovat kupari- ja nikkelirikasteet. Rikasteet sisältävät myös kobolttia, platinaa, palladiumia ja kultaa. Malmirikaste toimitetaan Bolidenin omille sulatoille Harjavaltaan ja Rönnskäriin.

Boliden's acquisition of Kylylahti approved

Since 2021, Boliden has carried out investments in the Odda zinc smelter with the aim of increasing the annual production volume from 200 to 350 ktonnes. Several of these investments are now largely completed, however, delays have occurred in the roasting facility in particular. This means that the ramp-up towards the new production level will ...

Boliden som hållbar investering

Boliden tillhandahåller metaller som är nödvändiga för att förbättra samhället för kommande generationer. Huvudmetallerna är koppar, zink, nickel och bly, som alla är viktiga för ett hållbart samhälle. Koppar och nickel är avgörande för ökad elektrifiering. Bly används till att lagra el och zink behövs för förhöjt ...

Boliden Copper Mine, Aitik, Sweden

Ore processing plant. Autogenous and ball mill grinding is followed by conventional flotation, the system design being typically 'Boliden'. It was enhanced by the installation of Microcel flotation …

Boliden Mining Company Gold Mines

ORE PROCESSING. The concentrator was commissioned in 1953 and rebuilt in 1989–91, increasing capacity to 1.5Mt/y and improving performance. The redesign introduced …

Annual General Meeting 2024

Boliden's Annual General Meeting was held on April 23, 2024 live in Boliden and through postal voting. The AGM was combined with the opportunity for a guided tour of the Långdal reclamation project and to the Hötjärn tailings facility. An exhibition about Boliden's centennial 2024 was held in a facility next to the AGM venue.


In our smelters we refine mineral concentrates from our own and other mines into pure metals. We are also the market leader in electronics recycling and lead recovery from car batteries.

Processing concession for Laver

Boliden is applying for a processing concession to secure exclusive rights to the Laver deposit in Älvsbyn. Laver is a large copper mineralization that also contains gold, silver, and molybdenum. Boliden seeks …


Boliden is a leader within the production of metals with low-carbon footprint. Nevertheless, we face several climate-related challenges as many others in our industry. Our business areas Mines and Smelters add to GHG emissions in …

Boliden Rönnskär

Boliden Group Klarabergsviadukten 90 Box 44, 101 20 Stockholm Tel: 08 - 610 15 00 Fax: 08- 654 80 90. Avdelningar. Försäljning av metall och övriga produkter Försäljning av gruvkoncentrat Inköp av primärt och sekundärt råmaterial Inköp av logistik, produkter och tjänster .


Boliden Group Klarabergsviadukten 90 Box 44, 101 20 Stockholm Tel: 08 - 610 15 00 Fax: 08- 654 80 90. Avdelningar. Försäljning av metall och övriga produkter Försäljning av gruvkoncentrat Inköp av primärt och sekundärt råmaterial Inköp av logistik, produkter och tjänster .


Tervetuloa! Bolidenin internetsivujen viralliset kielet ovat ruotsi ja englanti. Suomeksi löydät Bolidenin Suomen yksiköitä koskevat tiedot kohdasta Toimipaikat sekä kaikki sivut Ura Bolidenissä -otsikon alla.


Boliden's ambition is to provide metals with a low carbon footprint to help achieve this goal. Read more Biodiversity and reclamation. Biodiversity is the basic prerequisite for all human life on Earth. Boliden's goal is to contribute to …

Update expansion project Odda and capital expenditure …

Since 2021, Boliden has carried out investments in the Odda zinc smelter with the aim of increasing the annual production volume from 200 to 350 ktonnes. Several of these investments are now largely completed, however, delays have occurred in the roasting facility in particular. This means that the ramp-up towards the new production level will ...


På Boliden kommer du spendera varje dag med att utforska hur vi kan förbättra samhället för kommande generationer. Hur vi kan använda teknik och innovation för att genomföra skiftet som skapar förutsättningar för en mer hållbar verksamhet. Hur du kan använda mod för att utmana existerande arbetssätt, lära dig mer och växa i ett ...

Boliden Kokkola Sinkkiakatemia – Kaikki sinkin tuotannosta

Boliden Kokkola Sinkkiakatemia. Tietoa sinkistä ja sen valmistuksesta. Aloitetaan. Tervetuloa kemian kiehtovaan maailmaan! Tälle sivustolle olemme koonneet tietoa siitä, miten sinkkirikasteita jalostetaan puhdasta metallista sinkkiä ja maailman korkealaatuisimpia sinkkituotteita. Sivusto on tarkoitettu oppimisympäristöksi lukiolaisille ja ...


Boliden is well-equipped to deliver these metals with a low climate footprint. 100 yrs. Boliden's zinc production. Boliden's zinc production takes place primarily at the smelters Kokkola in Finland and Odda in Norway; however, zinc is also produced at Rönnskär in Sweden. It is an energy-intensive business, so access to fossil-free energy is ...

Boliden – Metals for modern life

For more than 90 years, Boliden has been exploring, extracting and processing base metals such as zink, copper, nickel and lead and precious metals like gold, silver and Platinum Group …

Annual Report 2007 | Boliden

Press release Annual Report 2007. Web version of Boliden's Annual Report 2007


Caroline Lejonklo – Tuote- ja prosessi-insinööri, Boliden Rönnskär. "Olen aina ollut kiinnostunut metalleista ja tämän työn tuotepuolesta mutta myös teknologiasta ja kehitystyöstä, ja tässä työssä saan tehdä molempia. Työni on hyvin joustavaa, ja olen monessa mukana, aina laatuongelmien ratkaisemisesta hanke- ja ...