Punkah: The Hand Operated Ceiling Fans of Colonial India

Before the arrival of electricity, it was not uncommon for people to sleep outside their homes under the shade of a tree, where it was cooler, or in the verandah with a handheld …

How to Build a Water Hand Pump

This hand pump can be inserted into an existing well to obtain water during a period of prolonged loss of electrical power. While high quality commercial hand pumps are …

Category:NED Hand Operated Processor

Media in category "NED Hand Operated Processor" The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total. NED D01 FPI card (Front Panel Interface).jpg 2,816 × 2,112; 3.08 . ... In other projects. In Wikipedia. Add links. This page was last edited on 14 September 2009, at 13:58.

(PDF) Design and Development of Hand Operated Maize

To provide options for small and hill farmers, a hand operated maize dehusker-sheller has been designed, developed, fabr icat ed and evaluat ed. Far m women could easily …

Computing and the Manhattan Project

A race was organized between the IBM machines and the hand-operated computers. Although the two initially kept pace, after about a day of work the hand-operators began to fatigue, while the punch card machines …

How to Make a Simple Electric Generator: 10 Steps (with …

Electric generators are devices that use alternating magnetic fields to create a current through a wire circuit. While full scale models can be complex and expensive to build, you can create a simple electric generator easily.

Hand Operated projects, Manually Operated projects For …

Mini Projects, Major Projects, Innovative Project topics with Abstract- Diagram and PDF Report related to Hand Operated, Manually Operated, useful for Mechanical College Students, …

10 Best Hand Crank Generators For Backup DIY Power

Through the hand-operated electricity generator science project, you've successfully illustrated how mechanical energy can be transformed into electrical energy using …


With electric fans there's no problem since the agent doing the work isn't the person, but with hand fans, the operator is effectively heating up one part of his body to cool a …

Hand Operated | PDF | Steel | Cast Iron

This document describes a hand operated project submitted by Paren Raju Trivedi. The project aims to design and fabricate a that is easy to use and can crush …