Geotechnical Assessment of Clay Deposits in Minna, North …

Geotechnical Assessment of Clay Deposits in Minna, North-Central Nigeria for Use as liners in Sanitary Landfill Design and Construction. Amadi A. N. 1,, Okunlola I. A. 2, Eze C. J. 3, Jimoh M. O. 1, Unuevho C. I. 1, Abubakar Fahad 1 1 Department of Geology, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria. 2 Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences, Al-Hikmah …

(PDF) Mineralogical and geochemical properties …

PDF | On Jul 30, 2018, S. O. Onyekuru and others published Mineralogical and geochemical properties of clay deposits in parts of Southeastern Nigeria | Find, read and cite all the research you ...

Behaviour and Effect of Clay Soils on Engineering …

The Nigerian clay deposits have been reported to be derived from the weathering of Precambrian feldspar rich pegmatite which are controlled by fractures in the quartz-mica schists (Oyeka and Beltaro,1974; Ibrahim, 1990; Kankara, 2014) Evidences of these are indicated by the remnants of some altered muscovite plates observed in ...

Characterization of some clay deposits in southwest Nigeria …

There is a huge deposit of clay across the six geo-political zones of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It is estimated that kaolinite clay deposits in Nigeria are about three billion metric tons while the bentonite clay reserve is projected to be more than 700 million metric tons [2]. Appropriate and optimal exploitation of this vast resource ...


INTRODUCTION Unlike the concerns for radioactive waste disposal in the developed countries, the concerns about the increasing rate of solid waste production and the need for proper disposal and management to ensure sustainable environmental management and development has been the concerns of many developing countries like Nigeria. Hence the need for properly …

Characterization of some clay deposits in southwest Nigeria …

Clay is an SCM used to replace part of clinker to reduce cost, CO 2 emission, and make concrete durable. Nigeria has deposits of clay with pozzolanic potential when calcined …

(PDF) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Shale Deposits in the …

Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Shale Deposits in the Lower Anambra Basin, Nigeria: Implication for Provenance, Tectonic Setting and Depositional Environment ... Geochemical analysis of the clay deposits were carried out using Minipal 4 XRF Analyser to analyse the chemical contents of the clay deposits while the vertical electrical sounding of ...


CHARACTERIZATION AND EVALUATION OF SELECTED KAOLIN CLAY DEPOSITS IN NIGERIA FOR FURNACE LINING APPLICATION, J. B. Mokwa, et al Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 38, No. 4, October 2019 938 The specimens were then suspended in a beaker of water one after the other and the suspended weight

Behaviour and Effect of Clay Soils on Engineering …

ABSTRACT: Expansive soils occurring in arid and semi-arid climatic regions (with most parts of northern Nigeria inclusive) of the World cause unaccounted problems on civil engineering …

Characterization of some clay deposits in southwest Nigeria …

Clay is an SCM used to replace part of clinker to reduce cost, CO2 emission, and make concrete durable. Nigeria has deposits of clay with pozzolanic potential when calcined …

(PDF) Nigerian Clay Deposits for use as Refractory Materials …

SOME ESTIMATED CLAY DEPOSIT IN NIGERIA Each region of Nigeria is said to have a large deposit of clays (Richard et al., 2017). Research conducted by Raw Materials Research and Development Council of Nigeria (RMRDC), Nigeria is reported to have billions of tones of clay deposits that spread throughout entire states (Muhammadu, 2013). An insight ...

(PDF) Mineralogy, Physicochemical Characteristics and …

Characterization of some clay deposits in South West Nigeria Characterization of some clay deposits in South West Nigeria. Prof Fatai O Aramide. Clay minerals are the most important industrial minerals whose application is dependent on its structure and chemical composition. Mineralogical, chemical compositions, phase constitutions, and ...


There are three different clay deposit grades in Nigeria including kaolinite,microcline and musovite. All are very useful in bricks making and construction because of their chemical composition and structural forms.

Table 1 : Major kaolin deposits in Nigeria and estimated reserves...

Several chemical analyses of clay deposits in Nigeria show that clay deposits from different geologic origins and formations have different oxide contents (Osemenam et a,l, 2019;Jong et al., 2018 ...

Determination of the Chemical Compositions of Clay Deposits …

2021. In this work, clay sample excavated from Iba Oku community along Uyo Village road, Akwa Ibom State Nigeria was taken to the laboratory and analyzed using standard physico-chemical tests, for its industrial potentials.

Working Properties of Some Selected Refractory Clay …

Working properties of some clay deposits in Ekiti State, Nigeria were investigated with a view to determine their suitability for use as refractory bricks. The samples were collected from three different commercial pottery clay centers in Ekiti State; they are Ara, Awo and Isan. Two varieties were collected from both Ara and Isan, which are ...

(PDF) Geophysical Characterisation of Native Clay Deposits …

In TR8 clay deposit was imaged at 4m from the surface. In TR9 clay deposit was imaged at 8.9-17.9m at lateral spread of 90-110m and in TR10 clay deposit was imaged at 17.9-20m at lateral spread of 40m and 100-120m respectively. This results show that clay deposits imaged along traverses 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, and 1...


10 clay deposits in Odukpani Southeastern, Nigeria to infer the paleoenvironmental conditions under which theses clays were formed. ... clay value while the alumina is correlated with other clays in Nigeria. This make the clay sample to be qualified as siliceous alumino - silicate minerals (Emufrieta et al., 1992, Nton and Elueze, ...

Clay Industry – The leading manufacturer of clay bricks in Nigeria

Clay Industry (Nigeria) Limited is the leading manufacturer of clay bricks in Nigeria. With nearly 60 years of successful operations, our name stands for unparalleled quality, experience and expertise in the production of clay products.

Clay Mineral Deposits in Nigeria with their …

Clay deposits consist of the primary and secondary stages; while the primary clays are formed as a residual deposit in soil and trapped at the site of formation, the Secondary clays rather have been transported by water erosion from their …

Locations of Bentonite Deposits in Nigeria

Download scientific diagram | Locations of Bentonite Deposits in Nigeria from publication: Comparative Study of Basic Properties of Mud Prepared with Nigerian Local Clay and Mud Prepared with ...

Characterization of some clay deposits in South West Nigeria

The performance evaluation of refractory bricks produced from some local clay deposits in Delta State, Nigeria was investigated. Four major sites in Delta State renowned for abundant clay deposits ...


EVALUATION OF A CLAY MINERAL DEPOSIT IN ABEOKUTA, SOUTH-WEST NIGERIA *1O.S. OLOKODE, 1P.O AIYEDUN, ... Table 1: Chemical Composition of Ajebo clay deposit from Abeokuta, South-West, Nigeria Raw Materials Content SiO 2 46.40 TiO 2 1.69 Al 2O 3 34.00 Fe 2O 3 2.49 MnO 0.00 MgO 0.04 CaO 0.02 Na 2O 0.03 K 2O 0.08 P 2O 5 0.04

Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences

The physical and chemical properties of clay deposits around Isua-Akoko, Akure, Lafe and Ayadi in Ondo State southwestern Nigeria have been examined. The results have shown that Isua-Akoko, Akure and Lafe Clays are plastic fire clays while Ayadi clay is kaolinite. Grain size analysis reveals that Isua Akoko Clay contains 45% of clay, 18% silt, 12% fine sand,14% medium …

(PDF) Ceramic properties of clay deposits from Anambra …

Clay minerals are the most important industrial minerals whose application is dependent on its structure and chemical composition. Mineralogical, chemical compositions, phase constitutions, and microstructural morphology of certain clay minerals from three different deposits in south western Nigeria were investigated using state-of-the-art equipment.

Comparative Analysis on Chemical Composition of …

Obtained from Ashaka and Tango Deposits in Gombe State, Nigeria Abdullahi S.L1 and Audu A.A2 1Kano State Polytechnic, Kano - Nigeria ... Clay deposits and clay minerals generally vary in nature, no two or more deposits can have exactly same clay minerals and frequently different

Characterization of some clay deposits in South West Nigeria

Clay minerals are the most important industrial minerals whose application is dependent on its structure and chemical composition. Mineralogical, chemical compositions, phase constitutions, and microstructural morphology of certain clay minerals from three different deposits in south western Nigeria were investigated using state-of-the-art equipment.

Kaolin Mineral Deposits in Nigeria with their Locations and …

Kaolin Minerals - Among the mineral resources in Nigeria, West Africa th at can be found in commercial quantity, Kaolin is one of them, it is found in the following listed Nigerian states; Adamawa, Borno, Abia, Delta, Ekiti, Kaduna, Katsina, Kogi, Ogun, Ondo, Oyo, and Plateau State, there has been a rough calculation on the kaolin mineral deposit reserve in the country which …


Numerous experts have looked into a few of the clays that can be found in Nigeria. In order to assess the viability of various clay samples from various deposits, [21], [1], [11], [4] and [9 ...

Properties and application of Nigerian bentonite clay …

In this review article, the key mineralogical characteristics and rheological properties of these clay deposits in various locations and their related application for drilling mud …

Compositional Characteristics and Industrial Assessment of …

Clay minerals are the most important industrial minerals whose application is dependent on its structure and chemical composition. Mineralogical, chemical compositions, phase constitutions, and microstructural morphology of certain clay minerals from three different deposits in south western Nigeria were investigated using state-of-the-art equipment.

IJERT-Nigerian Clay Deposits for use as Refractory Materials …

SOME ESTIMATED CLAY DEPOSIT IN NIGERIA Each region of Nigeria is said to have a large deposit of clays (Richard et al., 2017). Research conducted by Raw Materials Research and Development Council of Nigeria (RMRDC), Nigeria is reported to have billions of tones of clay deposits that spread throughout entire states (Muhammadu, 2013). An insight ...

Working Properties of Some Selected Refractory Clay …

Working properties of some clay deposits in Ekiti State, Nigeria were investigated with a view to determine their suitability for use as refractory bricks. The samples were collected from three …

Table 1 : Major kaolin deposits in Nigeria and …

In Nigeria, there are vast deposits of different types of clay which are untapped with large estimated reserves (Ojo, Igbokwe, Egbuachor & Nwozor, 2017). The different types of clay include...

Geotechnical and Mineralogical Characterization of …

The dominance of clay deposits in Nigeria, most especially in the study area is due to an important condition of the tropical climate characterized by alternating dry and wet seasons and relatively high humidity that encouraged intensive weathering. Unfortunately, Erusu clay deposits are unidentified,

(PDF) Mineralogical and geochemical properties …

PDF | On Jul 30, 2018, S. O. Onyekuru and others published Mineralogical and geochemical properties of clay deposits in parts of Southeastern Nigeria | Find, read and cite all the research...

Locations of Bentonite Clay Deposit in Nigeria | Download …

Clay from Bida was investigated and characterized using XRF, XRD, SEM and physico-mechanical methods. The XRF analysis shows high value of 69.58% SiO2, 23.15% Al2O3, and 2.93% Fe2O3, with low ...

Compositional Characteristics and Industrial Assessment …

reporting the compositional and geotechnical properties of the Cretaceous Clay deposits in Kogi State, Northern Anambra Basin of Nigeria, compares these with properties of clay deposits elsewhere and known standards, with view to ascertaining its industrial potentials and thereby sourcing efficient low-cost materials for informed

Characterization of some clay deposits in southwest Nigeria …

Supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) contribute to the properties of concrete through pozzolanic and hydraulic activities. Clay is an SCM used to replace part of clinker to reduce cost, CO 2 emission, and make concrete durable. Nigeria has deposits of clay with pozzolanic potential when calcined and in finely divided form, thus, reducing the …