be replaced instead of cement and up to 50% replacement of natural sand with ROBO sand gives better strength results. ... From the test results it was observed that the maximum flexure and split tensile strength were obtained 0% fly ash and 40% sand replacement. If the cement was replaced by fly ash then flexure and split tensile strength were ...
2.2 ROBO SAND: The ecological solution that gives perfect substitute for the normal sand is robo sand. It has 0to 4.75 mm size. It is useful for the various construction projects. It has better holding abilities. It has more angular particles. The working ability of the concrete is influenced by this sand. OBJECTIVE:
HIGH PERFORMANCE CONCRETE WITH GGBS AND ROBO SAND. WITH GGBS AND ROBO SAND VENU MALAGAVELLI Department of Civil Engineering, BITS, Pilani – Hyderabad Campus, …Sieve analysis results are shown in Fig. No. 2 » Free online chat! Appendix 3: Sand Sieve Analysis – CAWST – Home Example Sand Sieve Analysis Sieve Size Cumulative Sand …
2.2.2 Robo Sand (RS) Robo Sand (RS) is obtained in wet form directly taken from deposits of Crushed stone factories. Wet Robo Sand was dried before the sample preparation. Robo …
2.3 Robo Sand (RB) Robo Sand also known as manufactured sand is produced by crushing rocks, quarry stones, or larger aggregates into sand-sized particles using crushers or sand making machines. RB is specifically engineered to meet the specifications and standards required for construction purposes.
robo sand quality control test results. robo sand quality control test results mining . Insmart Systems Mineral Beneficiation Considering today's need of mining industry and to meet ever increasing demand for high quality product by the userConstruction Demolition waste and ROBO Sand Different strength test were conducted with combination of ...
Concrete is the most extensively used construction material in the world, which consumes natural resources like lime, aggregates and water. The worldwide production of cement has greatly increased, due to this production environmental pollution
results for fresh concrete as well as hardened concrete. Robo sand is formed by crushing of gravel and stone. It is manufactured in stone quarries. Generally it is replaced with river sand and also to reduce the river sand consumption and also it has same properties. Generally using robo sand gives the high compressive strength values.
replacing the 0 to 30% (5% increment) of sand with ROBO sand and 40 to 60% of cement with GGBS. Tests were conducted on concrete cubes and cylinders to study compressive and split …
Engineering & Technology; Uploaded by International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) IRJET-Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Cement by GGBS and Fine Aggregate by Robo Sand for M25 Grade Concrete
Robo sand is an alternative to river sand that is manufactured through a rock crushing process using advanced machinery. It has several advantages over river sand, including a more uniform particle shape and size that results in higher compressive strength and durability for structures. Robo sand also has fewer impurities, requires less cement ...
ii) The optimum replacement level of natural sand with robo sand iii) Comparison between Ordinary Concrete and robo sand concrete 4.1 Compressive strength In this section, the main concern is to study the compressive strength of concrete containing two different types of fine aggregate (natural sand and robo sand ) Control specimens are ...
As we compare the water absorption for the sugarcane baggage ash and robo sand are more than the cement and fine aggregates the concrete mix has become hard behavior Due to this reason the value of slump deceases with increasing the percentage of sugarcane baggage ash and robo sand. Compaction factor test Table Compaction factor test results ...
1.1. ROBO SAND Robo sand can be an economic alternative to the river sand. The Robosandis the by-product which is formed in the processing of the granite stones which broken downs into the coarse aggregates of different sizes. Quarry dust, a by-product from the crushing process during quarrying activities is one of such materials.
concrete with Natural sand and Robo sand P. Bhanu Prakash Reddy #1, V.Sowjanya ... When fine aggregate proportioned properly it will result in well grading with minimum voids. It is the suitable ... specimens are cast by using concrete cubes and beams with quarry dust concrete and normal sand concrete. Tests are conducted to determine the ...
Different strength test were conducted with combination of ROBO Sand and recycled aggregate to study the effect of these two materials on strength Concrete with a characteristic compressive strength of 30 N/mm 2 (M30 grade), was used for our study. ... According to price – service ratio the use of robo sand gives effective results, as far as ...
B.Saleem basha et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2017,10(4): 345-351.346 Usage of robo of sand as the remedial measure to the river sand, robo sand will give the good results in terms fluidity and strength is nearly same to both up to some percentages [12].
2.2 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ROBO SAND S.No Test Particulars Requirement as per IS: 383 Results 1 Water absorption (%) - 1.5 2 Fineness Modulus 2-3.5 3.148 3 Specific gravity 2.6-2.7 2.66 4 ... 3.4 Flexural strength test results (7 DAYS) strength of partially replaced cement by an amount SL NO % OF MIX FAIL URE LOAD (KN) (FLEXURAL 30.67 Mpa. Also ...
concrete with readily accessible GGBS and Robo sand. 3. MATERIALS & METHODOLGY 1. Cement We had collected the cement from nearest store and using Ultra techOrdinaryPortland cement 53 grade in this project research. Table – 1: Test results on Cement S.NO. Particulars Test results 1 Specific gravity of cement 3.15 2 Consistency of cement 30%
Hot Products Used for robo sand quality control testing reports cs cone crusher vsi crusher scm ultrafine mill mobile crusher pew jaw crusher lm vertical mill Quality Control Manual for HMA – California Department of …
sand by Robo sand gives higher strength of 12% to 15% and with replacement gives a higher strength of 3% to 4% as compared to reference mix. By replacement of natural sand with Robo sand, the cost of the construction can be reduced to10% per cum. Higher results then the normal conventional concrete. [3].
ROBO sand: ROBO sand or crusher dust obtained from local granite crushers was used in concrete to cast the cubes and cylinders. The bulk density of ROBO sand or crusher dust is 1768 kg/m3. The specific gravity and fineness modulus of ROBO sand are 2.66 and 2.88 respectively. Sieve analysis results are shown in Fig. No. 2
Robo Sand or M-Sand was used as replacement of fine aggregate. Robo Sand is a result of crushed stone, here the stones are crushed into smaller granular size of river sand granules and washed to remove the fine rock dirt to improve the quality as per IS: 2386-1975. 1.3 PROPERTIES OF ROBO SAND Table: 1 properties of robo sand S.NO PROPERTY VALUE
In this present experimental study a comparative study has been carried out to check the usability of Robo sand in place of natural sand. This study involves determination of some major …
1.3 PROPERTY OF ROBO SAND Experimental study In the current experiment, both conventional concrete and Robo sand concrete's design mix for M30 has been computed using IS 10262-2009. Robo sand was used in tests on cubes, cylinders, and beams to investigate the strength of concrete. ... The results were compared to.
Cement Test Certificates by Recons Group of Companies. Owing to our transparent traditions, we have presented our Certificates of Product testing and other important documents for our clients and interested parties.
Business listings of Robo Sand manufacturers, suppliers and exporters in Hyderabad, Telangana along with their contact details & address. Find here Robo Sand, suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, traders with Robo Sand prices …
Robo sand, also known as manufactured sand, has gained attention as an alternative to traditional natural sands. This detailed guide explores the characteristics, …
Robo sand was used as a replacement material for fine aggregate in the current experiment.The test results of Robo sand is tabulated in table 5. Table 5: Test results of Robo sand Colour Off white Fineness modulus 3.04 Specific Gravity 2.61 6. Water: Water should be easily available and it should be clear and tap water also satisfactory to mix ...
Importance of Sand Bulkage Test. If we need 1 m 3 of sand in concrete we need to know the approximate sand bulkage value. Say, for example, sample sand that we are going to use has 30% bulkage of sand then we need to take 30% more sand that is 1.3 times of sand while volume batching in order to get 1 m 3 of sand for concrete.
2.1.4 ROBO SAND: Robo Sand is collected from "Donabanda Quarry" crushing unit. It was initially dry in stipulation when collected and was sieved by IS 4.75 mm. It has shape of particles as Cubical Particle. The specific gravity of Robo Sand is 2.68, Fineness modulus is 3.34. Grading Confirming to Zone-II.
From the test results obtained, it has been observed that the reduction in flowability and passing ability were observed with the replacement of river sand by M-sand for a given mix proportion.
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chloride permeability test indicated that the modified concrete is low permeable producing a charge of 1800 coulombs. Keywords — Calcium Bentonite, Acid attack, Durability of concrete, RCPT, Robo sand I. INTRODUCTION Robo sand is crushed stone sand confirming to IS 383-2007 [4]. Lack of natural sand is raising demand for use of
ROBO sand: ROBO sand or crusher dust obtained from local granite crushers was used in concrete to cast the cubes and cylinders. The bulk density of ROBO sand or crusher dust is 1768 kg/m 3 .
Natural weathering of rocks results in the formation of river sand, over millions of years. Robo Sand (R.S) which is eco-pleasant serves as a partially substitute material for the …