comprehensive review of the mining fiscal and regulatory regime has been carried out. Leading to: •Predictability and stability of fiscal incentives over time; •Transparency and a level playing …


the mining industry. 5. Artisanal and small-scale mining: Weak governance regime; Widespread illegal small-scale mining activities; Absence of deliberate policy, strategy and support to make it attractive for those operating illegally to formalise their activities; Absence of

Lithium fiscal regime advantages but, potential

According to the report authored by Dennis Gyeyir, Africa Senior Programme Officer, and Thomas Scurfield, Africa Senior Economic Analyst of NRGI, Ghana's share of revenue from the Ewoyaa mine is higher than the legislated fiscal regime and those of other countries such as Australia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zimbabwe.

8/23/2016 Mineral Policy and Fiscal Regime

a stable, competitive and fair fiscal regime. Achieve a socially acceptable balance between mining and the physical and human environment and ensure that internationally accepted standards of health, mining safety and environmental protection are observed by all participants in the mining sector.

Recent Reforms In Fiscal Regime Of Mining Sector In Ghana

The 41% contribution of Ghana's mining sector to ... institutional and fiscal) regime as ... ranging from 20% to 40% for various mines. However, a recent survey ... Conditionality in World Bank crisis lending to Ghana


In addition to these macro-economic problems, the mining sector had its specific challenges; there was lack of clearly defined legal and fiscal regimes, high front end charges (for example, …


Estimating the Revenue Potential of the Quarry Subsector in Ghana 3 The fiscal regime of the mining sector applies to both industrial and non-industrial minerals. It uses the tax and royalty system where government receives direct revenues from the industry in the form of royalties, corporate income taxes and other rents paid by the companies.

Policy impacts on Ghana's extractive sector: The implicative …

As of 2020, Ghana's extractive sector generates for 17 percent of government revenue and 67 percent of exports. Gold accounts for 93 percent of the country's mining …

Ghana's Gold Mining Revenues: An Analysis of Company …

Using Ghana as an example, this briefing outlines how payments-to-governments data can be used to: monitor whether company payments match what would be expected under the fiscal regime; to monitor the allocation and disbursement of mining royalties to subnational entities; and to monitor payments for infrastructure improvements in mining-affected areas.

kolkata fiscal regime of mining sector in ghana

and (2) legislative action for insurance Kazakhstan has a …This makes Tanzania the most taxed mining sector in the world 2018) and contributed about GHS 2.16 billion and GHS 2.36 billion in tax revenues in 2017 and 2018• The fiscal regime is the set of tools that determine how the revenues from oil and mining projects are shared between the government and companies.

Fina Fiscal Policy Notes on Mining Paper

on Mining in Liberia, Ghana, Uganda, and Zambia, Tax Justice Network Africa (2023). ... Assessment of Fiscal Regime and Revenue Maximization 13 iii) Corruption and Revenue Maximization. 20 ... 5 How flexible and progressive is the mineral sector 's fiscal regime? 1. The assessment found that in all four countries, fiscal and policy ...

Invest in Ghana Mining Sector

Ghana has one of the most favourable fiscal regimes for mining in the world. The tax laws and fiscal instruments for mining are industry-friendly and provide competitive incentives to the investor. competitive rates of royalty and …

Vice President: New Fiscal Regime For Ghana's Mining Sector …

August 6, 2018//-Ghana's government has announced that it would soon introduce a new fiscal regime for the mining sector to ensure Ghana derives maximum benefit from the extraction of her mineral resources. The Vice President of Ghana, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia who announced this explained : "The paradigm shift in the thinking behind the utilisation of […]


the state to maximise benefits from the mining sector and minimise the negative effects of mining on the state. This is in recognition of the fact that the existing mining sector policies have not been able to address pertinent issues in the sector such as: 1. Existing fiscal regime for the mining sector does


The mining sector in Ghana predates independence and has, over the years, contributed significantly to Ghana's socio-economic development through revenue generation, employment creation and increase in foreign direct investments. ... 2015, and 2019, as the basic law that regulates the mining sector, to improve the fiscal regime and to ensure ...

Ghana's Gold Mining Revenues: An Analysis of …

the fiscal regime; to monitor the allocation and disbursement of mining royalties to subnational entities; and to monitor payments for infrastructure improvements in ... Ghana's gold mining sector scored "weak" in the 2017 Resource Governance Index (RGI), behind the oil and gas sector, which achieved a "satisfactory" rating. The


9 RATIONALE FOR THE RECENT REVIEW OF THE FISCAL REGIME 2 "During the recent … prices of gold, … reached their peak levels ever. Yet the country did not benefit at all from the price hikes, particularly from gold," economic and social benefits provided by the mining sector did not match government's expectations, hence its decision to review the industry's taxes - …


Ghana has enacted the Minerals and Mining Act, 2006 (Act 703) (the Minerals and Mining Act), as amended in 2010, 2015, and 2019, as the basic law that regulates the mining …

New Fiscal Regime for Mining Sector Soon -Vice President …

Government will soon introduce a new fiscal regime for the mining sector to ensure Ghana derives maximum benefit from the extraction of her mineral resources, the Vice President of the Republic has revealed. The paradigm shift in the thinking behind the utilisation of Ghana's mineral resources would seek to ensure value addition to the ...

Vice President Bawumia announces new fiscal regime for Mining sector …

Government will soon introduce a new fiscal regime for the mining sector to ensure Ghana derives maximum benefit from the extraction of her mineral resources, the Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has revealed.The paradigm shift in the thinking behind the utilisation of Ghana's mineral resou

New fiscal regime for Mining sector soon – Vice President

Government will soon introduce a new fiscal regime for the mining sector to ensure Ghana derives maximum benefit from the extraction of her mineral resources, the Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has revealed. The paradigm shift in the thinking behind the utilisation of Ghana's mineral resources would seek to ensure value addition to the minerals

Assessment of the Ewoyaa fiscal regime

ASSESSING THE FISCAL REGIME IN GHANA'S LITHIUM AGREEMENT. 5. A. ... Countries that depend heavily on the mining sector to nance the budget place particular importance on reliability. However, high taxes when a mine is making no or low prots can prevent it from being developed or surviving downturns. A regime must

Ghana's Upstream Petroleum Legal Regime

At the turn of the 20th century, Ghana's focus was on attracting foreign investment to hasten efforts to develop the country's exploration and production of oil and gas. 11 It was therefore of great importance to create an attractive fiscal regime that promoted international participation in the nascent sector.


The upstream petroleum sector operates on a concessionary-based fiscal regime, with a minimum 15% carried interest by the state, a 5% royalty rate and a 35% corporate income tax rate. ... In the mining sector, the Ghana Chamber of Mines and an individual mining company are members of the MSG. The one mining company that is directly represented ...

Ghana's lithium mining deal is favourable – NRGI report

Despite the relatively high taxes, the fiscal regime will expectedly enable Barari to achieve substantial profits. NRGI's projections suggest an after-tax internal rate of return (IRR) of around ...


©MINING SECTOR REPORT 2022. PREPARED BY STRATEGY AND RESEARCH DEPARTMENT Fig 1: SSA - Gold Mine Production, Moz (2019-2026) Table 1: Ghana Mining Industry Value Global Overview of the Mining Sector Amid an accelerating industrywide transformation, the world's Top 40 miners posted stellar financial results for 2021.

Mining sector struggles under stiff fiscal regime | News Ghana

The Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Chamber of Mines, Mr Suleman Koney, has raised concerns over the declining nature of exploration activities in the country?s mining sector, explaining that ...

8/23/2016 Mineral Policy and Fiscal Regime

Mineral Policy and Fiscal Regime Ensuring that Ghana's mineral endowment is managed on a sustainable economic, social and environmental basis and that there is an equitable sharing of …

Peru: Technical Assistance Report—Proposals for the 2022 …

C. Evaluation of the Fiscal Regime for Mining. 14. The fiscal regime is evaluated using the IMF's Fiscal Analysis of Resource Industries (FARI) methodology. FARI is a model developed by the IMF to quantitatively analyze the impact of the fiscal regime on a mining investment project and to draw a comparison with other fiscal regimes, both ...

Mining companies raise issues over unfavourable tax regime

The Minister of Finance in the 2023 Budget announced the introduction of a Growth and Sustainability Levy (GSL), which is a non-deductible expenditure and pegged at 1 per cent of production on extractive sector companies. In his state of Mining Industry report, the President of the Ghana Chamber of Mines, Michael Edem Akafia, said the non ...


introduced new fiscal terms including an increase in corporate tax for mining companies from 25% to 35%, limited annual capital allowance to an equal instalment of 20% for five years, a …

Non-Fiscal Revenue Pathway to Optimizing Benefits in Ghana's Mining Sector

Non-Fiscal Revenue Pathway to Optimizing Benefits in Ghana's Mining Sector. Executive Summary The EITI is a globally accepted initiative to advance and promote transparency and accountability in the management of oil, gas and mineral resources. The initiative has afforded Ghana and other resource-endowed countries a unique opportunity to ...

Former Minerals Commission CEO launches book on

General News of Thursday, 13 December 2018 Source: Benjamin Aryee, Author,Historical Overview of Ghana's Mining Sector Fiscal Regimes A book on Historical Overview of Ghana's Mining Sector Fiscal Regimes was on Thursday launched in Accra. The book documents the fiscal regime of Ghana's mining …

Ghana to launch 'monster mines' to boost gold production

Miners welcome Ghana's stable fiscal regime, but say excessive costs and bureaucracy are a deterrent for investment. Ayisi said the Minerals Commission was working with the government to lower ...

Assessing the Fiscal Regime in Ghana's Lithium Agreement

Assessing the Fiscal Regime in Ghana's Lithium Agreement Amid increasing global demand for minerals needed for the energy transition, the