Multiphase origin of the Cu–Co ore deposits in the …

Ore deposits outside the R-2 occur along lineaments and result often from supergene enrichment. The main phase of the stratiform mineralization in the Katanga Copperbelt occurred during diagenesis preceding the Lufilian orog- ... (DRC) and Zambia. The sulphide bodies are present from Kolwezi up to Kimpe in the DRC (Fig. 1). The sul-phide ...

types of ore deposits Flashcards

form from a cooling plutonic intrusion When a magma intrusion cools and starts to solidify, sulfide ore minerals may crystallize preferentially in distinct lenses or bands Such a concentration is called a magmatic deposit, because it forms directly from a magma. Because these concentrations consist almost exclusively of sulfide minerals, they are a type of massive …

Types of Ore Deposits

A List to some Major Types of Ore Deposits and a link Book Download. ... Iron oxide copper gold deposits; Syn-deformational hydrothermal and replacement deposits ... Carbonate-hosted stratabound lead-zinc deposits; Unconformity-related uranium deposits; Volcanic-associated massive sulphide deposits; Sediment-hosted stratiform base metal ...

v118n11a5 Relationship between ore mineralogy and …

of copper and 160 000 ounces of gold. Ore mined from the epigenetic vein-hosted deposit is classified into three ore types based on the extent of oxidation and supergene enrichment. Sulphide, oxide, and mixed ore are fed to separate mineral processing circuits tailored for recovery of the dominant copper minerals in each. After comminution to a ...

Acid leaching of oxide–sulfide copper ore prior the …

case is found in the copper ore deposit "Kraku Buga-resku", an ore field in Eastern Serbia, a property of Mining and Smelting Copper Co., Bor, Serbia. This ore field contains several smaller ore bodies, named "Cerovo – C1–4", having oxide cap on the top, followed by a layer of oxide-sulphide mixture, before cominig deeper into the ...

Leaching of Copper Sulphides

the ore is favoured, however at medium- and low-temperature conditions (150–165oC and >140oC, ... Ferric sulphate leaching of secondary sulphide ores has been successfully commercialised at the Cobre Las Cruces (CLC) and Sepon copper plants. ... precipitation of gypsum after which the slurry is fed to the counter-current decantation (CCD ...

Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide–Oxide Gold Deposits of …

The Ariab VMS–oxide gold district contains over 20 oxide gold deposits that have been mined since 1991 (>2 Moz Au recovered), with several having large Cu–Au (+ Zn + Ag) sulphide resources below the oxide gold resources, including Hadal Awatib East (67.8 Mt), Hassai South (42.1 Mt), and Hadayamet (8.4 Mt).

Tonnage and ore grade of selected rare earth …

Alkaline igneous complexes host deposits of rare earth elements (REE), which represent one of the most economically important resources of heavy REE and Yttrium (Y).

Supergene Oxidation of Copper Deposits: Zoning and …

accumulations associated with weathering of copper sulfide deposits, with emphasis on minerals that occur in the supergene oxide zones of porphyry copper and skarn ore deposits."Copper oxides" are defined as those copper minerals containing oxidized anions, especially copper oxides, sensu strictu, sulfates, phosphates, carbonates, and ...

Sediment-Hosted Copper Deposits of the World: …

Halite, sylvite, gypsum, anhydrite deposits occur in the same sedimentary sequences. Sandstone uranium, unconformity uranium, basalt copper, iron oxide copper gold deposits, and Kipushi Cu-Pb-Zn deposits can occur in the same districts. DEPOSIT DESCRIPTION Mineralogy All deposits contain one or more of the following minerals deposited in

Evolution of the Creede Caldera and its relation to …

At 25 Ma a major epithermal silver and base metal deposit formed in rhyolitic welded tuff near Creede, Colorado. Nearly 24000 metric tons of silver, appreciable lead, and small amounts of zinc, copper, and gold, have been produced from large, crustified veins under Bachelor and Bulldog Mountains north and northwest of Creede. Prior geologic, hydrologic, and stable …

Geology 13 Flashcards

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The bulk of our metallic mineral resources is associated with, Hydrothermal deposits of ore minerals form, Large feldspar crystals are abundant in what type of ore deposit? and more.

An Overview of Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) …

VMS Deposits • Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS), volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS), volcanic- and sediment-hosted massive sulfide (VSHMS), volcanic-associated massive sulfide (VAMS), etc. • Lenses and sheets of massive sulfide that form from seafloor hydrothermal systems where metal-rich fluids (black smoke) precipitate on (exhalative) or …

What Are the Types of Gypsum Ore and Their Properties?

Carbonate gypsum ore is gray, dark gray, granular, brecciated. Its main mineral is gypsum, containing dolomite, calcite and anhydrite. Anhydrite ore is dense and hard with the color of white, gray or light blue. The main minerals are anhydrite, gypsum (the sum of the two is greater than 85%), a small amount of montmorillonite, hydromica ...

Geochemistry of Magmatic Ore Deposits

Magmatic ore deposits are masses of igneous rock enriched in useful chemical elements to such an extent that it is feasible to mine them at a profit. To be considered an ore, an …

Formation of magmatic nickel-sulfide ore deposits and …

Nickel-copper sulfide ore deposits are found at the base of mafic and ultramafic bodies. All their host rocks, except the Sudbury Igneous Complex, are thought to be mantle derived melts. The Sudbury Igneous Complex is thought to be the product of complete melting of continental crust. In the case of mantle-derived magmas, a high degree of partial melting of the mantle serves to …

Understanding Copper Oxides & Sulfides

However, recovery rates and ore grade can affect profitability. The capital intensity for sulfide projects tends to be higher. Sulfide projects often come with by-product credits like gold or silver. While it's possible to extract these from oxide deposits, it typically requires a secondary leaching process and is less common.

Komatiite-Associated Nickel Sulfide Deposits | Ore …

Magmatic sulfide ores are thought to form as the result of droplets of an immiscible sulfide-oxide liquid forming within silicate magma and then becoming concentrated in a particular location. ... The general geological characteristics of these deposits, compositions of sulfide ores, and resource information have been discussed in detail by ...

Flotation of mixed copper oxide and sulphide minerals with …

The ore mined is from a primary copper sulphide deposit with separate additional deposits of copper oxides. In conjunction with Ausmelt Chemicals, Minto is currently investigating options to recover copper oxide and sulphide minerals using flotation by blending their primary sulphide ore with oxide ores. ... For mixed oxide and sulphide ores ...

Oxidized zone minerals | Wat On Earth | University …

In order for an oxidized deposit to be formed, an original sulphide ore body must be present. The sulphide ore body may be formed by cold alkaline oxidizing seawater migrating through sediment and other rock …

(PDF) Formation of iron oxide–apatite deposits

Iron oxide–apatite deposits can form from purely igneous (~1,000–800 °C), through late magmatic or magmatic–hydrothermal (~800–600 °C), to purely hydrothermal (<600 °C) conditions.

Economic Geology

Schematic profile of a deeply weathered copper sulphide ore deposit, displaying the supergene "secondary" zonation resulting from redistribution of elements .

Which of the following ores is/are sulphide ore(s)?

Sulphide ores of metals are usually concentrated by Froth Flotation process. Which one of the following sulphide ores offers and exception and is concentrated by chemical leaching ?

Komatiite-Associated Nickel Sulfide Deposits | Ore …

We then discuss the solubility of sulfide in mafic and ultramafic melts, followed by the partitioning of elements between silicate magma and sulfide-oxide liquid.

Supergene Oxidation of Copper Deposits: Zoning and …

The paragenesis оf copper oxide mineral formation reflects local, dynamic changes in supergene solution composition attributable to reaction between host-rock mineral components and dissolved species Especially important are the concentrations of because mineral assemblages, even those that are metastable. represent the geochemical environment ...

(PDF) Sulfur Ore Deposits

Most mineral resource estimates are not final. They are interim estimates modified by more information as it becomes available. At the time of actual mining, or just before mining, the nature and ...

(PDF) Geochemistry of Manganese Ore Deposits …

The main three types of Mn-Fe Ore deposits are 1) Mn-rich Ore, 2) Fe-rich Ore, and 3) Fe-Mn- rich Ore (Khalifa, 2014). This was investigated dep ending o n field observations, MnO and

A fresh approach to sulfide ores

Three copper sulphide leaching and refining processes are discussed: total pressure oxidation, ferric sulphate leaching and copper chloride leaching. The effect of mineralogy on the choice …

Supergene Oxidation of Copper Deposits: Zoning and Distribution of

Copper mineralization for deposits starts as primary sulfide mineralization. Over time, exposure to surface water and air turns some of these minerals into oxides. Oxides can often be dissolved in weak acid, making …

Mining 101: Understanding sulphide and oxide and ores

The delineation between sulphide and oxide ores, and the presence of refractory ores, have significant implications for the mining industry. Each ore type demands tailored approaches for ...

Formation of Fe-Ti oxide and Ni-Co sulfide ores by …

The Hongge intrusion hosts the largest Fe-Ti oxide resource in the ELIP, and has five ore sections, including (from north to south) the Baicao, Maanshan, North Hongge, South Hongge, and Wantianzi (Fig. 1), among which the North Hongge and South Hongge being the largest (Fig. 2).Exposed stratigraphy is composed of the Paleoproterozoic Huili Group (mainly …

Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits of the …

In this paper, 867 deposits were used to construct revised grade and tonnage models. Our new models are based on a reclassification of deposits based on host lithologies: Felsic, Bimodal …

(PDF) Supergene Enrichment

PDF | Weathering Processes and Supergene ore Deposits Conditions that Influence Supergene Enrichment Ideal Starting Material Zones: Morphology of Zoning... | Find, read and cite all the research ...