In-situ multiple sulfur isotopes of the Archean Hongtoushan Cu-Zn …

1. Introduction. Sulfur isotope geochemistry is a well-established method for studying ore genesis and sulfur cycle, as it can be used to effectively trace the source of sulfur and constrain oxidation and reduction reactions (Ohmoto, 1972, Hodkiewicz et al., 2009, Ma et al., 2018).There are four stable sulfur isotopes, namely 32 S (95.018 %), 33 S (0.750 %), 34 S …

The Role of Hydrocarbons in the Genesis of Mississippi …

The coexistence of numerous Mississippi-Valley-type (MVT) Zn–Pb deposits and (paleo) oil/gas reservoirs in the world suggests a close genetic relationship between mineralization and hydrocarbon accumulation. Xuequ–Shandouya middle MVT Zn–Pb deposits are mainly hosted in the Lower Cambrian Maidiping Member siliceous dolostone on the southwestern margin of the …

Zinc isotopes revealed the role of ore-hosting carbonate …

Request PDF | On Mar 1, 2024, Hao Zhang and others published Zinc isotopes revealed the role of ore-hosting carbonate rocks in the formation of MVT deposits: A case study of the Huize Pb Zn ...

Ore-forming material sources of the Pb–Zn–(Ag–Fe–Cu) …

Ore-forming materials of skarn Pb–Zn are closely related to granitic magmas (Einaudi and Burt, 1982, Meinert, 1992, Meinert et al., 2005, Zhao, 2002; Chang et al., 2019), but many researchers have reported that wall rocks also provided sulfur and/or ore metals for the skarn Pb–Zn deposits (Liang et al., 2008, Jiang et al., 2011, Xu et al ...

(PDF) Selective Flotation of Elemental Sulfur from …

PDF | An efficient flotation process was developed to selectively recover elemental sulfur from a high-sulfur pressure acid leaching residue of zinc... | Find, read and cite all the...

The Sources of Ore-Forming Materials and Fluids for the

The Jinqingding gold deposit, characterized as an extra-large quartz-vein-type deposit, is located in the middle of the Mouping–Rushan metallogenic belt in the Jiaodong Peninsula, and there is still controversy over its sources of ore-forming materials and fluids. This paper divides the mineralization of Jinqinding gold deposits into four stages, based on a field …

The Role of Organic Matter and Hydrocarbons in the Genesis …

This mixing led to the precipitation of Pb-Zn ore deposits [4,8,14,36,50,87]. The metals can also combine with unreduced sulfates to generate sulfate minerals (celestite and …

Formation of the giant Maoping Mississippi Valley-type Pb–Zn …

However, the ore-forming mechanisms of the Maoping Pb–Zn deposit remain contentious; for example, (1) sulfate reduction mode: the reduced sulfur required for Pb-Zn mineralization was derived from the TSR between sulfate ions in the ore-bearing basin brine and organic matter within the strata, which then combined with metal ions to precipitate ...

Arsenic removal from copper–silver ore by roasting in …

Anaerobic condition play a very important role in arsenic removal. ... difficulties to the conventional processing route. Being one of the sources of economically value metals (Cu, Zn, ... by which arsenic could be removed from copper–silver ore while most of sulfur could be retained satisfactorily. The experimental results showed that the ...

Features and Flotation of Complex Cu-Pb-Zn Sulphides

Particular attention is paid to the use of depressants, namely sulphur dioxide and sulphides. Some of the recent research results and industrial experience on the production of selective …

Pb-Zn Mineral Processing

After the Pb-Zn ore is crushed to a certain particle size, the heavy medium is used to remove the large and low-grade waste rock, and then the enriched ore is processed by the flotation method. ... zinc, and sulfur products by sequential flotation according to lead-zinc-sulfur floatability and flotation speed to obtain lead concentrate, zinc ...

The role of hydrocarbons in ore formation at the Pillara …

This indicates that hydrocarbons may play an important role in Zn-Pb ore formation in MVT deposits elsewhere. ... the importance of hydrocarbons for Zn-Pb ore formation has been shown for an example of clastic-dominated Zn-Pb (CD) deposits in Sweden using sulfur isotopes showing an association of the water–oil interface and ore formation ...

Ore-forming material sources of the Jurassic Cu–Pb–Zn …

The Jurassic Cu–Pb–Zn deposits in the Qin–Hang ore belt mainly include the Dexing, Qibaoshan, Shuikoushan, Baoshan, Huangshaping, Tongshanling and Dabaoshan (Table 1).These deposits can be further divided into two sub-types according to their major mineralizing elements: 1) Cu-dominated deposits, including the Dexing, Qibaoshan and Dabaoshan; and 2) …

Ultrafine particles derived from mineral processing: A …

Fig. 2 a, b show the granulometries of the Pb–Zn ore and galena ground to less than 74 μm (80%), which was determined using laser diffraction analysis; the composition of sieved fractions is also present. The size frequency distributions for the ore have the main maximum at about 20 μm and minor ones at about 2 μm and 0.25 μm; the fines are largely …

Ore-Forming Processes in Irish-Type Carbonate-Hosted Zn …

Cessation of mineralization was due to a cut-off of the sulfur-rich brine supply, possibly by deposition of impermeable hanging-wall sediments. This process of ore formation …


With the advances in hydrometallurgy, the potential of processing low grade, complex, multi-pocket and/or multi location ores with minimization of energy input and waste has increased.

Deciphering ore-forming fluid evolution processes of the …

Sulfur isotope data for pyrite from HuaJian and JinChangYu gold deposits are referenced from Lin et al. (1994) and Song (2011), respectively, while sulfur isotope data for sulfide separates from Precambrian metamorphic wallrock are sourced from Nie et al. (2004). b − Graph depicting the variation in sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfides in ...

Review on Developments in Technologies for Critical Metal …

While considering the re-processing solid mining wastes and extraction of critical elements, mineral processing, metal extraction and metal recovery are the crucial steps. The first two steps were previously reviewed in (Whitworth et al. Citation 2022, Citation 2022). This review (Part 3) aims to discuss the technologies suitable for the ...

Lime use and functionality in sulphide mineral flotation: A …

Coke and heavy fuel oil, for example, contain high levels of sulphur (Oates, 1998). High sulphur content in the calcination fuel has a coarsening effect on Ca(OH) 2 particles during the slaking process that, in turn, could result in poor lime utilization efficiencies during mineral processing (Ineich et al., 2017).

Ore-forming environment of Pb−Zn mineralization related …

The strong evidence is that the redox environment changing of the Pbâˆ'Zn ore was from oxidizing to reducing [34] and the fluid inherited the high-temperature ore-forming conditions of Wâˆ'Sn mineralization [78]. ... li, CHENG Xi-yin, FU Qi-bin. Sulfur and lead isotope constraints on ore formation of the Huangshaping Wâˆ'Mo∠...

The Essential Role Of Sulfur In Industrial Processes

It is used to leach copper from ore and regenerate leaching solutions. Sulfur dioxide is also used to produce sulfuric acid, which helps maintain the proper pH levels in metal processing. Healthcare: Some sulfur compounds have therapeutic applications and are used in certain medicines and skin care products. For example, sulfur is used in ...

The Application of Sulfur–Metal Mass Ratios in Metal …

Sulfur–metal mass ratios (SMMRs) between sulfur and metal elements (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, Fe, etc.) in metal sulfides are fixed in idealized compositions, so they should have a relatively fixed proportion in terms of mass without considering the presence of structural defects such …

Zinc solvent extraction in the process industries: Mineral …

The production of special high-grade zinc from the complex Skorpion ore, previously considered untreatable, will be the first commercial application of zinc solvent …

Microscopic sulfur isotope variations in ore minerals from …

During successive deposition of each metal generation, the observed delta 34 S variations require mixing among two or more isotopically distinct distal source fluids feeding already reduced sulfur to the ore-forming zone, and/or the existence of in situ sulfur isotope fractionation mechanisms, producing reduced sulfur whose isotopic composition ...


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Ore-forming process of the Huize super-large Pb-Zn …

The pH change has played an important role in ore deposition. ... The boundary between Pb-Zn ore and dolostone is obvious, and a small amount of galena with fine veins is distributed in dolostone. ... In situ sulfur isotopes were analyzed by a Nu Plasma III MC-ICP-MS (Nu Instruments) coupled to a RESOlution-155 ArF193-nm laser ablation system ...

Utilization of sulfur iron ore tailing (SIOT) in GGBS …

The high-sulfur iron ore tailing (SIOT) is typically regarded as abundant mining waste due to its heavy metal and dust pollution. ... with a weight percentage exceeding 40 % which reflects its significant role in the structure of C-A-S-H gels. ... Metallurgy, The Stabilisation of Mine Tailings by Reactive Geopolymerisation, International ...

Sulfur isotope and trace element geochemistry of sulfides …

Pyrite is one of the most abundant sulfides in the Yaojialing Zn-Cu-Au deposit as a predominant constituent of the whole porphyry deposit system, including porphyry ore bodies, …

Volatilization behavior of lead, zinc and sulfur from flotation

The volatilization path of Zn in the flotation products are Zn 2 SiO 4 → ZnO → Zn (g), ZnCO 3 → ZnO → Zn (g) and ZnS (s) → ZnO → Zn (g). Unlike Zn, the oxides and sulfides of Pb have a higher vapor pressure than metal Pb and can be volatilized directly into gas phase without a reduction reaction.

Zinc isotopes revealed the role of ore-hosting carbonate …

Although carbonate rocks are important for carbonate-hosted Pb Zn deposits, there is no effective constraint on the role of carbonate rocks during the Pb Zn mineralization process. This paper uses the giant Huize Pb Zn deposit (>7 Mt. metals @ 25–35 % Pb + Zn) as a case study and employs zinc isotopes to gain new insights into such issue. The Huize deposit, …

Zinc isotopes revealed the role of ore-hosting carbonate …

When SO 4 2− was reduced to S 2− through the TSR process, the temperature was higher in the center of the ore body, which resulted in less sulfur isotope fractionation. Therefore, the sulfur isotopes in the center of the ore body are heavier than those at the edge (Zheng, 2000; Zhu et al., 2014). 5.4. Ore-forming process and the role of ...

In-situ trace element and S isotope compositions of sulfides …

Furthermore, the similar δ 34 S range of Ccp 1 (4.7–5.3 ‰) from porphyry ore and Ccp 2 (3.3–4.8 ‰) from vein-type ore indicates that they have a similar felsic-magma-derived sulfur source. Combining with principal component analysis (PCA) of pyrite trace elements and REE patterns, the different pyrite generations can be divided into ...