With respect to in situ resources, the foremost promising resources for extraterrestrial construction can be categorized into regolith, water–ice, and energy resources, as shown in Fig. 1.Besides, the acronyms in the figure for sintering technologies are explained in Section 2.3.4.Among these, regolith resources are ubiquitously distributed across the …
By 2025, the Implementation Plan aims to achieve: a city-wide utilization rate of 80% for bulk solid waste as a resource, an urban collection rate of 95% for construction waste, a harm-free disposal rate of 95%, a utilization rate of 65% for construction waste as a resource, a comprehensive utilization of 90% for crop straws, quality ...
DOI: 10.1007/s10668-024-05536-y Corpus ID: 273484078; Insight into the cooperation behavior among supply chain subjects in resource utilization of construction and demolition waste
Japan focuses on CDW resource utilization. CDW in Japan is divided into three categories: industrial waste, construction waste and construction mixed waste, all crushed and screened, processed into recycled products, and used in different fields (Wang et al., 2015).
et al. believed that resource utilization could maximize the construction waste values and minimize the environmental impact of construction wastes by considering environmen-tal performance and transportation conditions (Ortiz et al. 2010). Chong et al. discussed the transportation energy con-sumption for construction waste recycling and the actual
Pricing decisions for construction and demolition waste recycling are severely hampered by consumer uncertainty in assessing the value of recycled building materials. This paper uses a construction and demolition waste (CDW) recycling utilization model that consists of a building materials manufacturer and a building materials remanufacturer and compares …
and makes it utilization effective. Key words: Resource optimization, Material Management, Delay in constructional projects, Stakeholders delay I. INTRODUCTION: Most of the construction industries focus on profits and time, in recent days 20% of construction industries were practicing effective resource management system along with proper
Phosphogypsum (PG) is a bulk industrial solid waste of wet-process phosphoric acid production. Every ton of phosphoric acid production generates as many as 4–6 tons of PG, including more than 90% of CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O, a small amount of phosphorus, fluorine, organic matter, oxides, heavy metals, radioactive substances and other impurities that have serious …
This study presents the first application of the pressure-state-response (PSR) model in the comprehensive assessment of construction and demolition waste (CDW) recycling benefits. Unlike traditional methods, the PSR model provides a multi-dimensional analysis that integrates economic, environmental, and social factors, offering a more holistic approach to …
1.2 The Great Harm of Construction Waste. First, the impact on the ecological environment. Construction waste in the pile, loading and unloading, transportation, landfill and other links, will have a negative effect on the surrounding air quality; construction waste in the open suburban site pile or landfill, after long-term rainwater erosion, groundwater infiltration …
The cement industry in Japan (Kawai and Osako 2012) has worked hard to maximize waste utilization. With no waste to be recycled in the cement industry, limestone consumption would have been 18% higher, clay consumption would have been 2,899% higher, and energy consumption would have been 22% higher.
12 Hanshin Expressway Co., Ltd, "Joint Project for Effective Reuse of the Soils" Effective utilization of shield tunnel construction sludge using tracing technology 52 13 Construction mixed waste TAKATOSHI Co., Ltd Improvement of recycling by high precision sorting of construction mixed waste 59 14 Construction wood waste Research group for ...
waste(CDW) Recycling initiatives and technologies In JAPAN" We act as the world top runner in terms of the policy system, actual recycling rate, and recycle technologies in the course of …
and resource utilization of construction waste, and promote the green, environmental protection and sustainable development of urban construction. Journal of Civil Engineering and Urban Planning (2024) Clausius Scientific Press, Canada DOI: 10.23977/jceup.2024.060112 ISSN 2616-3969 Vol. 6 Num. 1 ...
This booklet introduces some of leading Japanese waste disposal and recycling technologies. We hope to create a material-recycle society that generates as little waste as possible and …
Investigation and Research on Utilization Rate of Construction Waste Resource in Wuhan. Botao Zhu 1, Zuxu Zou 1 and Yueyang Liu 1. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 766, 5th International Workshop on Renewable Energy and Development, 23-25 April 2021, Chengdu, …
Article 1 The purpose of this Act, in light of the circumstances in Japan, a country largely dependent on imports for major resources and where, along with the recent development of the national economy, the heavy use of resources generates an enormous amount of Used Products, etc. and By-products, a considerable part of which are disposed of while a …
the resource utilization rate in developed countries has been increasing under the joint promotion of the government and the market. In particular, in Japan, under the guidance of policies such as "reduction, reuse and recycling" of solid waste, the resource utilization rate of construction waste has reached 95.3% in 2018 (Zhang et al., 2022).
This Law aims at establishing a sound material-cycle economic system by; (i) enhancing measures for recycling goods and resources by implementing collection and recycling of used …
Japan has made a legislative commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The construction industry in Japan contributes 30% of the carbon emissions and is the key sector for achieving carbon ...
11.3.1 The On-site Classification System of Construction Waste Needs to Be Strengthened. For construction waste, on-site sorting followed by transportation, treatment and resource recycling is the most efficient method. There is no mandatory on-site sorting system for construction waste, and on-site sorting is costly and less profitable, so the social …
The Plastic Resource Circulation Act (Tentative Translation) [PDF 255KB] Guidelines (Master Plan) for Disaster Waste Management after the Great East Japan Earthquake [PDF] Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law [PDF 153KB] 05.03.07 Bill Partially Amending the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law
city's construction waste resource utilization supe rvision information platform. Since 2009, Weifang ... Enlightenment of Japan's Construction and Demolition Waste Reclamation to China ...
Keywords: Construction Waste Management, Sustainable Construction, Waste Reduction Techniques, Building Information Modeling (BIM), Recycling and Reuse. Discover the world's research 25+ million ...
As 24 % of all natural resources are extracted globally for construction activities, the construction industry is the primary cause of resource depletion and a primary producer of waste [1], [2].Beyond the scarcity of natural resources, extracting raw materials for the civil construction sector introduces a range of additional environmental repercussions that require …
This article analyzes the current situation of solid waste resource utilization in China's construction industry from a market-oriented perspective, and explores the promoting role of market ...
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environmental burden by controlling waste generation, recycling recyclable resources, and ensuring proper disposal. (2) Subjects to be regulated The Act states that it applies to "waste" in general, whether of value or no value, and that efforts should be made to properly recycle useful waste, which is termed "recyclable resources."