Mining Taxation: An Application to Mali

Mali's gold sector is an enclave with weak forward and backward linkages with the rest of the economy. Given the predominance of the fiscal transmission channel, it is important that the design of the mineral tax regime gives the state a fair share of the benefits. Using optimal control theory, this paper estimates that the optimal royalty tax in Mali is about 3.5 percent. By …

Canadian Mining Firm Employees Arrested In Mali: Sources

Four employees of the Canadian mining company Barrick Gold, which co-owns one of the world's largest gold mining complexes with the Malian state, were arrested in the African country earlier this ...

Lithium Du Mali SA

Lithium Du Mali SA (LMSA) is committed to the development of communities closest to our project, the Bougouni region more broadly and the country of Mali in general. The company is working and engaging with government authorities at the commune, regional and federal level on its community development initiatives.

The impact of Mali's revised legislation on foreign mining

On 1 September 2023, the Republic of Mali published a new mining code (the "New Mining Code") 1 and legislation on local content in the mining sector ("Local Content Law"), following …

Socioeconomic and Fiscal Impact of Large-Scale Gold …

A. Mining and the National Economy Mali has a long tradition of gold mining in the two regions of Kayes and Koulikoro. The traditional artisanal2 gold-mining activity is still currently used, with an aver age annual production estimated at 10 tons (Chamber of Mines 2013 ). It has, of course, been superseded by industrial mining, which

Mali says Barrick Gold owes $500m in taxes, fines

Mali's military government is seeking at least 300-billion CFA ($512-million) in outstanding taxes and dividends from Barrick Gold, three sources said, a move that is part of a push by the country ...

The Effects of Mining on Local Poverty in Developing …

Based on detailed panel data from Mali, our results generally show positive effects of gold price booms on s. expenditure increased, and poverty decreased during years of high gold prices for formal and artisanal mining areas, with artisanal mining having a stronger beneficial effect.

Deputy HME Manager, (Heavy Mining Equipment)

We are seeking a Deputy HME Manager, (Heavy Mining Equipment) based in Mali, working for an international mining operator. This is a FIFO position 8/4 The Deputy HME Manager based in Mali is responsible for ensuring that all mobile equipment is in good condition and working order.

Toubani Resources: Majors continue to see 'enormous opportunity' in Mali

"A thriving mining sector in Mali, given how fertile the geology is there, is supportive for everyone moving forward with their projects." ... To do this, Toubani is working to complete an update to the 2021 Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) to assess the viability of a larger operation.

Mining in Mali – Goldex Resources Corp.

Gold comprised nearly 70% of Mali's total exports in 2016. Total local production in 2014 was 49.8 tons, 2015 was 50 tons and 2016 was 50 tons. BMI Research forecasts that Mali's mining industry will experience a value growth of 10% …

Mali – Jobs in Africa – Find work in Africa | Careers in Africa

Mali is rich in mineral deposits, with gold the major export. Summary Overview. Angola is a significant market in Sub-Saharan Africa, with the 5th largest economy by GDP on the continent, and the largest of the Lusophone nations. The economy is powered by the oil and gas sector, with 97% of Angola's exports being attributed to crude oil ...


Where We Work; Mali; Mali. Duration: - present. ... In 2022, civilians [3] represented 43% of all IED/mine casualties across Mali (in 2021: 25%) and in 2023 (as of the end of June) 39% of all casualties. Mopti and Segou remained the regions with most IEDs/mines recorded (67%) and the largest share of casualties in 2023. ...

SGS Announces Expansion of Geochemistry Laboratory in Bamako, Mali

The SGS facility in Bamako provides high volume sample preparation gold analysis and feeds analytical work for elements other than gold into SGS' full service laboratory in Johannesburg, South ...


Mining contract transparency improves local planning in Mali --> In Mali, a civil society coalition worked with communities to achieve greater transparency on gold mining ...


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Map of gold mining areas in Mali | Download Scientific …

Worldwide, more than one million people in 26 countries across Africa, Asia and South America work in Au mining mostly in unregistered substandard conditions (Mccann and Wittmann, 2015), driven by ...

More than 40 killed in artisanal mine collapse in southwest Mali …

More than 40 artisanal gold miners were killed in southwest Mali last week after the shaft they were working in collapsed, Mali's mines ministry said on Wednesday.

Russia, Mali discuss joint lithium and solar projects

Russian and Malian officials on Thursday discussed joint lithium and solar projects in Mali, the West African country's Minister of Economy and Finance Alousseni Sanou said at an event in Moscow.

Mali | Pact

In Mali, Pact is working to make artisanal and small-scale mining safer and more productive, mainly by reducing mercury use in gold mining. ... We are also strengthening supply chains in Mali's small-scale gold mining sector. We work with miners, investors and gold traders interested in adopting mercury-free business models. COUNTRY STATS ...

BHP tops all miners in Forbes list of world's best employers

To make the list, Forbes teamed up with market research firm Statista and surveyed more than 300,000 employees in over 50 countries who work for multinational corporate groups that meet the ...


Active in Mali and in West Africa, Sangaci aspires to be an example among African Mining Companies and a one-stop-shop for its mining clients. We unlock the potential of our clients' current and future mining operations and deliver outstanding value thanks to our talented team, unrivaled work ethic and ambitious investment strategy.

Forced and Trafficked Workers of Mali

They often find themselves forced into work. In Mali, over 12 percent of workers in mining towns are between 15 and 19, and a majority are foreign workers from Nigeria and Côte d'Ivoire. Child prostitution and child trafficking has …

Mining contract transparency improves local planning in Mali

In Mali, a civil society coalition worked with communities to achieve greater transparency on gold mining contracts and to hold authorities and companies to account. Their aim: to turn Mali's mining sector into a lever for socio-econmic development and improve living conditions around mining sites. Nouhoum Diakite charts a success story, with limitations…


Mining and the production of agricultural commodities, livestock, and fish present wealth potential for the country. Due to ongoing political instability, security in Mali is volatile and due …

Mali: A Terrorists' Gold Mine

Gold mining is Mali's main industrial activity and it is the fourth-largest producer of gold in Africa. In addition to gold, Mali also exports diamonds, bauxite, iron ore, base metals, and phosphate. ... Civilians working for local and foreign companies face high risks, while migration is on the rise. Attacks conducted on mine employees such ...


Sangaci is proud to offer its clients best-in-class mining services and high quality equipment. Ours is a culture of excellence and integrity. We strive to unleash the potential of …

Morila Gold Mine, Mali, West Africa

The Morila Gold Mine is an open-pit mining operation located approximately 280km south-east of Bamako, the capital city of Mali. It is jointly owned by Australian lithium company Firefinch (80%) and the Government of …

Mining in Mali: balancing prospects and problems

Landlocked between six other West African nations, including Burkina Faso and Guinea, Mali is a gold mining star in a resource-rich but troubled region. The nation is the third-largest gold producer in Sub-Saharan …

Find A Job in Mali & Learn What Working Here Is Like

Another key export is gold; since relaxing its enforcement of mining codes in 1991, foreign investment in Mali's mining industry has steadily risen. The sizeable quantities of gold mined in the southern region of Mali means that it has the third largest gold production in Africa.


Fekola is located approximately 500km west of the capital city Bamako. The existing open cut mine produce in the excess of 500,000 ounces per annum, with development of the underground access commencing in March 2023.