
Crude Perlite is further classified as per end-use and processed at temperatures between 800°C – 950°C, this will abrupt and controlled temperature causes the crystalline water content to change state from liquid to vapor causing the Perlite structure to "pop" and consequently become an extremely porous, lightweight (volume expanding between four and twenty times) and …

How to Make Lightweight Concrete Blocks

Add Perlite. The Perlite acts as a lightweight aggregate. Fill five buckets with Perlite for a total of 25 gallons. Only pour one bucket at a time into the mix and wait for the Perlite to mix in completely before pouring in another bucket. You will notice that the concrete will start to thicken as you continue adding in the Perlite.

What Exactly Is Lightweight Concrete?

Lightweight concrete is a mixture made with lightweight coarse aggregates such as shale, clay, or slate, which give it its characteristic low density. Structural lightweight concrete has an in-place density of 90 to 115 …

Dicaperl Microspheres: A Cost-Efficient …

Perlite Microsphere Lightweight Concrete Aggregate Applications Cement. Perlite can be used in cement as a replacement for sand. Like sand, perlite HP 2035 keeps the products from cracking, but is much lighter and whiter than the …

Perlite Lightweight Insulating Concrete Roo ng

Top: Placing and screeding a perlite lightweight concrete roof deck. Above: Strong, smooth, monolithic surface of a perlite lightweight concrete roof deck installation. Figure 2 (le˜) • Cross-section of 3-hour ˚re-rated roof deck with application of perlite lightweight concrete. Underwriters' Laboratories Class C-3, Design No. P407

Gulf Perlite Insulating Plaster

Gulf Perlite LLC is a manufacture of Gulf Perlite Insulating Plaster which is a Dubai Municipality, Masdar Institute, Emaar, EWA & Ministry of Works-approved thermal insulating render (with certified K-Value = 0.08 W/mK) applicable on the internal and external surfaces, contributing to meet and exceed the required U-Value with an application thickness up to 30 […]


Title: Print Created Date: 2/15/2014 10:02:49 AM

How to Make Lightweight Concrete Planters

Make these lightweight concrete planters to house some of your favorite plants, like succulents. These planters are easy and fun to make. ... Make the cement mixture in a bin using one gallon peat, one gallon "Portland" cement, and one gallon perlite. Wear a mask to avoid breathing dust and use gloves when mixing, as concrete can burn the hands

Perlite Insulating Concrete

Perlite insulating concrete consists of an appropriate mixture of portland cement, perlite aggregate and water. Its weight can be varied in the range of 20 to 50 pounds per cubic foot, …

Perlite Concrete-Lightweight Insulating Concrete Solutions …

Extremely light weight; Superior thermal & acoustic insulation w hen mixed with Portland cement, perlite produces a concrete that offers up to 20 times more thermal insulation than ordinary concrete. The necessity of air conditioning, rising fuel costs and the need to conserve energy make it obvious that a small investment in proper insulation at the time of design and …

What is a lighter alternative to concrete?

Perlite concrete is a lightweight insulating concrete that is made by combining expanded perlite aggregate with a Portland cement blend. Compared to traditional concrete, perlite concrete is incredibly lightweight with a dry density of 100-220 kg/m3, while traditional concrete has a dry density of approximately 2400 kg/m3.


230 A Study of Lightweight Concrete Admixed with Perlite 24 h, the concrete samples were removed from the molds and cured in water at room temperature for 1, 7, 14, 28, and 60 days. The compressive strength, density, and modulus of elasticity of the concretes at each age were

for LNG, LPG and CryogenicTank Base Insulation

Perlite Concrete Blocks are applied to all types of double-walled tanks including: LNG Tanks Butane LPG and Propane LPG Ethane/Ethylene Tanks ˜e physical characteristics of expanded perlite are ideal for use as a constituent of lightweight insulating concrete for making Perlite Concrete Blocks (PCBs). Perlite Concrete Blocks

How to Mix Perlite and Cement

Perlite concrete creates a lightweight concrete. It is not suitable for load-bearing applications, but commonly used for pool bases, roof decks and decorative purposes. Planters and statuary made with perlite concrete are …

Specifications Guide: Transit Mix Perlite Lightweight Concrete

Perlite Lightweight Concrete (densities from 50-110 lb/ft³, or 800 – 1,800 kg/m³) is a mixture of perlite concrete aggregate combined with Portland cement, sand (micro-silica), air-entraining …

Transit Mix Perlite Lightweight Concrete

Perlite Lightweight Concrete (densities from 50-110 lb./˛˝., or 800 – 1,800 kg/m˝) is a mixture of Perlite concrete aggregate combined with Portland cement, sand, (microsili-ca), air-entraining agent, superplasticizer and water, o˙ers high compressive and ˆexural strength and is suitable for

Perlitecrete Home Page

Ultra-Lightweight Concrete . ICF insulated concrete forms, panels, roofing, insulation, columns, fireplace surrounds, shower stalls, concrete pads... and so much more. Telephone Voice International 001.816.728.2261 United States Toll free 1.888.877.2261 Local to 816 and 913 area codes 1.816.728.2261 Fax 1.816.524.8490

Perlite Lightweight Insulating Concrete Roo ng

Perlite Lightweight Insulating Concrete is a mix of perlite lightweight construction aggregate (ASTM C 332, Type 1), cement (OPC, Type 1, ASTM C150), air entraining agent admixture (ASTM C260) and water. Perlite lightweight insulating concrete roof decks o˜er

Perlite Lightweight Site Mixed Technical Properties Concrete

Perlite Lightweight Concrete can be mixed on-site using special manufactured pumps mix and convey Perlite LW Concrete as per project requirements. This Method of Statement has been used all across the GCC as well as specialized LNG Projects in Europe and our Technical Department has successfully delivered Perlite LW Insulating Concrete to an ...

Transit Mix Perlite Lightweight Concrete

Perlite Ultra-lightweight Concrete (densities less than 50 lb./˛˝, or 800 kg/m˝) is a mixture of Perlite Concrete Aggregate combined with Portland cement, air-entraining Concrete.

Unlock the Power of Perlite for Cement in …

Discover the benefits of using Perlite for Cement in construction. Enhance strength, durability, and efficiency in your building projects with Perlite. PHONE: +1 888-656-3313. EMAIL: sales@perlite. ... Lightweight concrete is …

Lightweight Concrete Archives

Perlite in Construction: The Unsung Hero of Insulation and Lightweight Concrete Perlite remains an unsung hero in construction, offering transformative properties. Recognized at Perlite and beyond, its lightweight nature and insulative prowess revolutionize building techniques, especially in insulation and lightweight concrete production.

Overview of Perlite Concrete (metrics)

Perlite lightweight concrete is used in many different applications. These include lightweight tile mortar, statuary, decorative stone, gas-fireplace logs and floor fills. Perlite concrete, while not usually suited for structural or load …

Applications | Perlite India Lightweight Concrete

Lightweight – Reducing dead load on roof by more than 80%. Better m value – Offering up to 20 times better thermal insulating properties than ordinary concrete and at least 5 times better thermal insulation than other lightweight concretes. Impact and airborne sound reduction. Faster work rate – At least 3 times faster work, can be delivered in Pre-mixed bags

How To Make Concrete Planters Lightweight And Durable

If you are using pre-made concrete planters, they will most likely be heavy. To prevent adding more weight, you can use lightweight pot fillers. However, if you make your planters, you can make them lightweight by adding perlite to the concrete. You can make them durable by properly curing the planters or adding additives to the concrete.

Perlite Cement-based Lightweight Insulating Plasters

Perlite cement-based lightweight insulating plaster application in a 3,000-unit residential villa project. Perlite Cement-based Plaster. Perlite cement-based plaster can be used on new or remodel work, as a basecoat for stucco finishes, and as a substrate for ceramic tile or masonry veneer. It can be applied over metal or wire lath, on top of a ...


Perlite is a versatile and sustainable mineral that is mined and processed with a negligible impact on the environment. And the green community recognizes perlite-enhanced products—like lightweight insulating concrete roof decks—as a high-performance solution drawn from a natural material of nearly unlimited supply throughout the world.

Formulas for Lightweight Concrete

Wondering if lightweight cement might work (easier for me to handle). If so, what would be the suggested mix? A: (Bruce Schundler) Lightweight perlite concrete could be used, but like cellular concrete, it does not have a lot of flexural or tensile strength. It probably should be mixed with fibers to give it more strength, and the mix could ...

Perlite Use: Lightweight Plasters and Coatings

Perlite cement plaster is thermal and sound insulating, fire retardant, and extremely lightweight—weighing approximately 60% less than ordinary sand plaster. ... The light weight of the perlite particles also reduces run and sag tendencies—allowing a heavier coating in a single pass. The bright whiteness of expanded Hess Perlite reduces ...

Discover the Exceptional Value of Perlite Lightweight …

A photo of a piece of 6:1 lightweight insulating concrete made with expanded perlite, cement, water, and an air entraining agent. How Perlite Lightweight Insulating Aggregates Solve Modern Building Issues. Construction grade perlite has multiple applications in building and architecture. Its light weight makes it perfect for use as loose fill ...

Perlite Lightweight Insulating Concrete Roofing

Ultra-Lightweight. At Dry Density ranges between 20–40 lb/ft 3 (340–640 Kg/m 3), perlite lightweight concrete is among the lightest concrete mixtures available, helping to reduce dead loads on buildings and the overall strength …

Lightweight concrete panels

CemteQ's polystyrene concrete panels are a new and innovative building material that has been gaining popularity in the construction industry. These panels are made by combining specially treated, re-engineered polystyrene beads with microfibres, perlite and cement to create a lightweight yet highly durable building material.

Lightweight Fiber Reinforced Perlite Cement Plasters

Fiber reinforced perlite cement plaster panels using steel studs may be constructed in a fabri cating shop and shipped to the job site for installation. On smaller projects, it has proven more efficient to ... Lightweight Fiber Reinforced Perlite Cement Plasters . cementitious coatings, tile or masonry veneer. Tests have shown that the basecoat ...

Lightweight Concrete Garden Boxes

Make your own Lightweight Concrete Garden Boxes! This is PART 3.5, showing options to make your garden boxes from Perlite-based concrete. You can build these forms and precast your own 48″, 36″, or 24″ reinforced lightweight concrete panels that link together to make long lasting and durable concrete garden boxes.

Perlite Insulating Concrete Roofdecks

Lightweight Perlite insulating concrete is light in weight, ranging from about 20-40 lb/ft3 (320-640 kg/m3) depending on the desired density and insulating value. Because of its lightweight, there can be economies in the design of the structure. Typical density is 27 lb/ft3 (432 kg/m3). For mix design information consult

Perlite Lightweight Concrete

Perlite Lightweight Concrete. Perlite Lightweight Concrete is a mixture of OPC, Gulf Perlite Construct, Crushed Sand (0-5 mm) and our ADMIX to produce Lightweight Concrete from a Density range of 400 kg/m³ up to 2,000 kg/m³. …

Advantages Beyond Its Light Weight. Perlite Concrete …

Perlite lightweight concrete is used in many di˚erent applications. ˜ese include lightweight tile mortar, statuary, decorative stone, gas-˛replace logs and ˝oor ˛lls. Perlite concrete, while not usually suited for structural or load bearing uses, o˚ers many advantages beyond its light weight. Perlite concrete provides better noise reduc-

Perlite in Lightweight Manufactured Stone

The physical characteristics of expanded perlite lend themselves to a variety of special purposes—including use as a component of lightweight manufactured stone. For a detailed explanation of perlite expansion, see info sheet: Why Perlite Works. Expanded perlite is widely seen as an economical way to lighten concrete and plaster.

Perlite in Construction: The Unsung Hero of Insulation and …

Perlite remains an unsung hero in construction, offering transformative properties. Recognized at Perlite and beyond, its lightweight nature and insulative prowess revolutionize building …