IS 12089 (1987): Specification for granulated slag for the …

Portland slag cement may also be manufactured by separately grinding Portland cement clinker, gypsum and granulated ... iron in blastfurnace or electric pig iron furnace. Granulated slag is obtain- ... NOTE - In case the moisture content of the slag is not to be determined,4.5 may be skipped and the entire material remaining after 4.4 shall be ...


Reducing the carbon impact of concrete is an important factor in construction material choice. Slag cement is a recovered material from the iron production process and because of this, reduces the environmental impact of concrete mixtures by decreasing carbon footprint, embodied energy and the use of non-renewable materials.

Quantitative Determination of Metallic Iron Content in Steel-Making Slag

A quantitative analytical method for metallic iron was developed for wastes from iron and steel mills. These wastes consist of slags, dusts and sludges, mill scales, spent pickle liquor, and other iron-bearing materials. Accurate determination of metallic iron in these wastes will provide the vital information for the recycling or reuse of these wastes. The new procedure …

Investigation on cold bonded pelletization of iron ore fines …

Inves- tigation on cold bonded pelletization of iron ore fines using Indian slag-cement. Int. J. Miner. Pro- cess., 34: 149-159. Cold bonded pelletization of iron ore fines using ordinary portland cement binder is emerging as a potential energy saving agglomeration process for proper utilization of Indian iron ore fines.

The Utilization of Carbonated Steel Slag as a Supplementary

Carbon emission reduction and steel slag (SS) treatment are challenges in the steel industry. The accelerated carbonation of SS and carbonated steel slag (CSS) as a supplementary cementitious ...

A review on lead slag generation, characteristics, and …

Primary lead slag has a high iron content, which can replace iron ore as a raw material to produce cement clinker. In addition, some aluminum silicate and zinc silicate form in primary lead slag, and can contribute to the melting and the mineralization of the raw material during the calcining of the raw material ( Zhou, 1992 ; Carvalho et al ...

Safety Data Sheet

Slag Cement, Iron Slag Cement, Pig Iron Slag Cement, Water Granulated Ground Blast Furnace Slag Cement Covers Products: SLAG Relevant identified uses of Building materials, construction, a basic ingredient in concrete. the substance or mixture and uses advised against:

Slag Cement

Slag cement is a by-product from the iron manufacturing industry. Molten slag is produced with molten iron in blast furnaces operation at a temperature of ~1500 °C. ... This is mainly due to the fact that the steel slag with a CaO content greater than 50% has the potential to replace limestone in cement raw meal [167]. More importantly, ...

Influence of residual iron content in steel slag on the long …

The underutilization of steel slag is attributed to various factors, such as its poor hydraulic properties and poor grindability due to high iron content [4].Moreover, when it is incorporated into cementitious materials, its high free-CaO/MgO content often results in volume stability issues [5].Specifically, during the hydration process, the conversion of free-CaO/MgO …

Blast Furnace Slag Cements & Aggregates:

content, or materials made using renewable resources. The resultant drive for sustainable construction in recent years has seen a high uptake of the use of iron blast furnace slag as supplementary cementitious materials with cements or as slag aggregates in concrete. Blast furnace slag is a co-product in

Advances in Cement Research

The influence of content and activator content on the properties of alkali-activated slag ed concrete (AASFC) was studied. It was found that, when the content was increased from 3% to 12%, the effective ratio (EFR) and the water absorption of the AASFC increased, while the compressive strength and dry density decreased. For the same …

IS 455 (1989): Portland Slag Cement

IS455 : 1989 PORTlAND SlAG CEMENT ­ SPECIFICATION ( FourthRevision) I Page 3, clause (seealso Amendment ) ) - SU~lllute tbe following fortheexisnng clauses 9.1.1to "'.2.1 When cement I~ Intended for export and If the purchaser so requires, packrng of cement may bedone In bags or In drumswith an average netnla~~ of

ACI Publishes Guide to the Use of Slag Cement in Concrete …

The guide covers information on slag cement chemical properties and product types, storage, handling, batching, proportioning, and the effects on properties of fresh and hardened …

Georgia Chapter ACI Luncheon Benefits of Slag Cement …

Benefits of Slag Cement In Concrete October 28, 2015 . Prepared by: ... the Contractor may use granulated iron blast-furnace slag as a partial replacement for Portland cement in concrete if the following ... 6.5% air content Moist cured 4x8-in. (100x200-mm) cylinders Type I strength at 28 days = 6120 psi (42 MPa) ...

Update on slag in the US, May 2023

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimates that domestic sales of iron and steel (ferrous) slags in the US amounted to 15Mt in 2022. Sales were around 20Mt in the 2000s but this fell to current levels in the 2010s as blast furnaces closed. ... This certainly fits with Heidelberg Materials' plan to upgrade its slag cement plant and ...

Using Slag Cement in Sustainable Construction

Table 3 – Example of Concrete Recycled Content with Slag Cement.....6 Table 4 – Strategies and Methods of Achieving Average 40 Percent ... Making Concrete Greener with Slag Cement Slag cement is a byproduct of iron production in a blast furnace. It is a hydraulic cement that can replace between 20 to 80 percent of the portland

NewCem® Slag

NewCem® Slag Cement is a finely ground, granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) available to blend with conventional Portland cement to deliver a strong, high-quality, durable concrete. Concrete production utilizing NewCem consumes less energy and offers improved efficiency and building performance.


MSDS: Slag Page 1 of 6 Revised: 1/14/2013 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Slag Product Identities: Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag, Iron Slag, Granular Pig Iron Slag, WaterGranulated Slag, Water Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag, Slag cement. Supplier: Diversified Minerals Inc.

Why Slag Cement? | SCA

Slag cement is a hydraulic cement formed when granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) is ground to suitable fineness and is used to replace a portion of portland cement. It is a recovered industrial by-product of an iron blast furnace.

Safety Data Sheet Slag Cement

Slag Cement . Section 1. Identification . GHS product identifier: Slag Cement Chemical name: Calcium compounds, calcium silicate compounds, and other calcium compounds containing iron and aluminum make up the majority of this product. Other means of identification: Cement, Slag, ALLCEM, Type S Cement, Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag Cement, Ground

Slag Cement

Slag cement is produced by finely grinding granulated blast furnace slag, a glassy by-product of iron production, and blending it with Portland cement to create a product that has a number of advantages over mixes containing Portland cement. ... Slag cement can also be used to help achieve LEED points. Choose a Product Select a product ...

Slag Cement

Slag cement is a by-product from blast furnaces that are used to make iron. Blast furnaces operate at a temperature of approximately 1500°C to melt iron oxide, coke, and fluxing stone …

Steel slag and its applications in cement and concrete …

Steel slag has low amorphous silica and high iron oxide content. Thus, there is little to no pozzolanic activity when compared to the granulated blast furnace slag and thus, it cannot be used in blended cement. ... Although steel slag cement showed better durability and chemical characteristics compared to Portland cement, the alkali reaction ...

Using Slag Cement in Sustainable Construction

Slag cement is a byproduct of iron production in a blast furnace. It is a hydraulic cement that can replace between 20 to 80 percent of the portland cement in concrete (depending on …

Blast Furnace Slag Cement: Production, Properties and …

Panels made with using slag Benefits and Advantages of Blast Furnace Slag Cement The initial strength achieved is less than the conventional concrete, but the superior ultimate strength attained is equivalent and sometimes higher than conventional concrete.; As the slag is finely grounded, it has the valence to fill the pores efficiently, workability is high and …


The Manufacturing Process Manufacturing Skyway Slag Cement requires two basic processes: granulation and grinding. Blast-furnace slag is produced in a blast furnace during the reduction of iron ore to iron. It consists of non-metallic minerals, which are tapped slag from the blast furnace while molten. By processing blast furnace slag into Skyway slag cement, the […]

Benefits of using steel slag in cement clinker production for

The steel slag used in this work, sourced from the steel making process in a basic oxygen furnace, was collected from Taiyuan Steel and Iron Group (TSIC) Co., Ltd (Shanxi, China). As evaluated by PerkinElmer Optima 2000DV, the steel slag presented high iron oxide content in the form of steel,

Effects of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag in …

concrete design since the early 1900s (Slag Cement Association, 2002). Slag cement is a byproduct of the iron-making process and is composed primarily of silica and calcium. In fine particle form, slag cement displays cementitious qualities similar to those of ordinary portland cement (OPC). Slag cement can therefore be substituted for OPC in a

What is Portland Slag Cement (PSC)? Properties, Use, …

Cost: Using Portland Slag Cement can lead to cost savings in construction projects. It is often more economical than traditional Portland cement due to the reduced clinker content and the utilization of industrial by-products. Uses of Portland Slag Cement. Portland Slag Cement finds application in various construction projects, including: 1.

Destructive and non-destructive strength performance of iron slag …

Iron slag (IS) an industrial bi-product, can be utilized as natural sand (NS) in developing non-traditional concrete [13]. 'Iron slag' a byproduct of iron manufacturing industry resembles to NS due to identical appearance and particle gradation. Silica-SiO 2, calcium-CaO, alumina-Al 2 O 3, and magnesia-MgO are the primary components of IS ...

How slag cement is manufactured?

The slag used in the production of slag cement is a byproduct of iron and steel production, and it is typically produced by cooling molten slag with wat Sign in to view more content

Upcycling steel slag in producing eco-efficient iron–calcium …

Since iron oxides and calcium oxide containing compounds are expected to be the dominate reactants in steel slag, the as-produced cement is named iron-calcium phosphate cement ... is slightly lower than that of P20 (9.67%), which is probably due to the higher content of amorphous phase in P20. Meanwhile, there is a minor peak appeared at about ...

Producing Portland cement from iron and steel slags and …

Samples with higher lime saturation factor developed higher C{sub 3}S content and better mechanical properties. Blending 10% extra iron slag to a cement composed of 49% iron slag, 43% calcined lime, and 8% steel slag kept the compressive strength of concrete above standard values for type I ordinary Portland cement.


Potential Slag Cement Contribution Sustainable Sites SS 3 2.1 and 2.2 Brownfield Redevelopment 1 Slag cement can be used to stabilize and solidify contaminated soils at brownfield sites. Sustainable Sites SS 7.1 2.1 and 2.2 Heat Island Effect: Non-Roof 1 Slag cement is a light -colored material, making concrete more reflective compared

Slag-Cement-Cement-Bentonite » Slurry Walls | Geo …

The Cement-Bentonite slurry typically consists of a mixture of blast furnace slag, Portland cement, bentonite clay and water and is sometimes referred to as simply a cement-bentonite wall. The slurry or backfill is manufactured in an on-site batch plant and pumped into the trench at the point of excavation.

NewCem | Slag Cement Canada | Slag Concrete

Unlocking NewCem® Slag Cement Advantage. For top-quality slag, consistent chemistry from a reliable source and rapid slag quenching equipment are essential. Lafarge engineers and scientists have led North America in the …


Slag cement is the hydraulic cement that results when molton slag from an iron blast furnace is rapidly quenched with water, dried and ground to a fine powder. The rapid quenching ("granulation") "freezes" slag cement in a glassy state and imparts cementitious properties to the product when ground finely. ... (OPC) concrete of equal ...

Preparation of cement-based color facing mortar by copper

The copper slag, which was produced as pyrotechnic waste residue, was obtained from Qinghai Copper Co., Ltd. The chemical composition was tested using X-ray fluorescence (XRF), as presented in Table 1.The content of Fe 2 O 3 (57.23%) in the raw material was the highest. SiO 2 (25.65%) was the second most abundant material. It also contained small …

Role of polyferric sulphate in hydration regulation of …

Phosphogypsum-based excess-sulphate slag cement ... (Si + Al) and lower value of Fe/Al due to low content of iron originated from slag and C 4 AF, indicating a number of C-S-H gels with low iron doping has been generated in the binders. While, the phase assemblage in FG0.5 presents a lower value of Ca/(Si + Al) and a higher value of Fe/Al ...